Brenda O’Neill

Brenda O'Neill

Complementary Therapy Co-ordinator


I am a qualified complementary therapist with 35 years experience. Having worked extensively in Ireland, Jordan and the USA, I have developed a high level of expertise in the complementary therapy field. 

I manage the complementary therapy department at CALMS. In my role I do all initial assessments with the clients, schedule appointments, support the complementary therapy team and ensure we offer an inclusive welcoming environment to our clients.

Complementary therapies are delivered alongside conventional medical treatment. They are not an alternative to medical treatment.

By focusing on the unique needs and nature of the person I identify ways of improving lifestyle to restore balance to the body, mind and spirit.

The treatments I offer at CALMS are massage and reflexology.

My qualifications include:

  • Foundation Degree in Holistic and Integrative Health Therapies
  • CIBTAC Diploma in Massage Therapy
  • CIDESCO Diploma in Massage Therapy
  • Certificate in Reflexology
  • Maternity reflexology
  • Treatment of Pain 11 in Reflexology.
  • Enhanced skills to treat cancer patients from The Macmillan Centre