About Us

Small team, big ideas

Preserving and protecting health

Our History

CALMS stands for Community Action for Locally Managing Stress. We were established at the end of 1994 as a result of a public meeting held at the Guildhall in our City. It emerged as a tentative response to an expressed community need for effective support for people suffering from stress and stress related illnesses as a result of the Troubles. During the 1990s and 2000s CALMS has grown and developed into an organisation which has a proactive and holistic approach to helping organisations, groups and individuals improve their mental health and wellbeing.

CALMS is a company limited by guarantee with charitable status and is managed by a Board of Directors.

We Are Unique

We are the first local stress management centre in our city.

Our Focus

Our focus is on improving mental wellbeing for our service users.

Our Skills

We use appropriately skilled and trained therapists only.

Your Plan

We provide opportunities for clients to co-design their own care plans.

Serving All

Our organisation does not discriminate against anyone regardless of background.

Our Services

We offer integrated services including complementary therapy and counselling.